Sunday, June 22, 2008

Pictures in the Poppies

Tonight we took the kids and went to the Mantua camp ground where there are beautiful poppies in the early summer. Unfortunately we weren't the only ones with this idea and there were lots of people trying to get their spot in the flowers. I think a lot of these turned out cute. Here are just a few.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Super cute pic of Savannah -

This picture was taken by Stacy Richards, as you can see she is a great photograher. You must admit however that the subject matter is pretty amazing as well.

Friday, June 13, 2008

2008 Lake Powell

We just got back from Lake Powell! We had a great time with the family. This was Brandon's first time at Lake Powell, hopefully he will come with us every year! My parents went with us, they really struggled this year due to age and health. I hope this wasn't their last trip with us. Wayne's parents and siblings went with us at well, and that is is always great to have us all together.

Ourr 2008 trip to Lake Powell