Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas means to me...

Christmas means so many things. Of course I am grateful for the birth of our Lord and Savior - Jesus Christ. I am grateful for this time of year to reflect upon all of the blessings that I have been given. Christmas is a feeling, deep in your soul that cannot be bought with money or wrapped in fancy paper. I can't explain the warmth and happiness it brings when I reflect upon the wonderful plan given to us and the Gospel of Jesus Christ which provides us direction and meaning in our lives. It gives me the strength to press forward on days when I'd rather give up. I am so grateful for my family and my friends and my health and my job and my house and my comforts and well.. you get the idea! This is a time to reflect upon our blessings. I am making a committment to myself to simplify my life in 2011 so that I can see through all of the worldy clutter more easily the wonderful blessings I so often overlook. Right now I am sharing DOTS with a 4 year old darling granddaughter I call a blessing and we're making a video all about her to send to her Great-Grandparents on a mission in Boston. What more of a blessing does one need? Even if she did steal my favorite RED one!

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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Celebrating 29 Years!

Anyone and everyone who arrives at 29 and beyond in marriage knows you don't get here without a lot of work. I'd be lying if I said otherwise. Yet, this past 29 have flown by like no other. I have learned so much about myself and my husband and my children and others in my life over these years. Together Wayne and I have grown up together and now we are reaping the benefits of "sticking it out" when times got tough, of seeing things through, of enjoying a best friend and a big shoulder. I can't think of anywhere or under any condition I'd rather be right now than right here where enjoying my most wonderful life with my most wonderful husband and best friend and travel companion. For the first time in our married life, we decided to actually travel on our anniversary. December is pretty special to me and I am very selfish about being gone or missing even one day let alone an entire week but this year we did it. We went to Cabo for some sun and relaxation. It was wonderful yet as you can see from the picture - it hardly feels like Christmas in Mexico. We loved it and we will definitely go again, I just don't think I'll ever travel in December. The month went by so quickly anyway and being away for a week only exaggerated the whiz by! But oh, the sun and relaxation was so divine!