Monday, January 31, 2011

To Be Content

What does it mean to be content?
The dictionary defines this as "happy with what one has. Not desiring more or different. Satisfied. Pleased".
In the February Ensign, Brenda Sampson discusses what it means to be content and even more importantly, what it means to be discontent. Unfortuately I have found myself in the latter more often than I care to admit. Just like Satan plants the seeds of discouragement, he also places seeds of discontent. Yearning for more and lacking appreciation for what we have happens all too often as we place ourselves daily among the world. Everywhere we look we are told that we deserve better, bigger and more.
Yesterday as I was reading this article, it hit me like a ton of bricks! Not only should I not sit with envy for the bigger house, the newer car or the fancy 5 star hotel vacation - but I needed to appreciate what I do have right here, right now. I am so blessed to have a wonderful family. I am blessed to enjoy having my parents (both sets) still here with us to draw upon their wisdom and love. I have a warm home, with food in the fridge and a nice warm fireplace that lights the flip of a switch. I've never been so cold or so hungry that I wanted to die. In fact I can pretty much say that I enjoy all the comforts I could ask for. I also have a knowledge of our Savior and his plan for each of us. I have recommitted to myself to BE CONTENT. To be appreciative of what I have not constantly aware of what I don't. I'll have to keep an eye on myself - and I'll update my progress as the year moves along.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Savannah's Scrapbook page

Syd and Savannah came to grandma's house tonight. Savannah decided she wanted to make a scrapbook page. So using the computer this is what Savannah put together. Of course I had to help a little but she did all the rest including choosing the pictures and writing her favorite things about Lake Powell. I love having the girls come spend time with us. Sydnee is snuggled up with grandpa watching the Story Teller.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Tonight I was able to spend the evening with Sydnee at her primary achievement day activity. She was able to show off her talent and love of art. While we were there I just had to snap a picture of my "little monster"! Isn't he just adorable! Karie made his little hat and what a darling hat. Savannah was her typical self trying to strike a pose for the camera. Thanks Karie and Sydnee for inviting me to come to you activity tonight. I had a blast!

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Saturday, January 1, 2011


I had to post just so I could write the date! Nothing too exciting on this New Years day. Lots of cleaning and organizing and decluttering. I've been through all of my file cabinets and cleaned out anything I didn't need there. Scanned into my computer what things I could scan and if it belongs to my dear sweet children, I've made a special pile just for them. It's feeling oh so good to get rid of all of this paper. My 2011 goal, or at least one of the major goals is to simplify. One way to do that is to get rid of things I don't need or that aren't enriching or adding happiness to my life. Since I can't eliminate everything - such wishful thinking, I'm going to work on contacting everyone who sends me statements and request they change to electronic statements if they haven't already done so. I am amazed at how many financial prospectuses(sp) we get from our financial planner every quarter. Our statements are electronic but we get these huge books everytime the funds want to make a change! I don't read all of that material and that's what I pay my finacial guy to do. He reads all that fine print and keeps me informed. Sending me all that paper just makes me feel guilty for not reading it so I keep it thinking maybe I'll change. Until the next one comes, and the next one and the next one and pretty soon I feel like a hoarder! No more! It's out with the old and there will be no more IN WITH THE NEW so don't bother to send it! I'm sure that many of you feel this same way! It's not only at home but at work - everywhere! Everyone wants you to keep their one or two important pieces of information - just in case. Well, I'm rebelling and it feels good. Join me if you care to. Let's reduce our visual clutter for a little peace and quiet in our homes. SIMPLIFY! I just need to say that 500 times out loud. Feel free to check in on my progress.