Thursday, October 27, 2011

Healthsouth Halloween Party

The staff at the surgical center had a family halloween party for the doc's and their kids so after work Wayne drove home from Salt Lake long enough to pick me up along with the grandkids and we drove back to Salt Lake. Sydnee and Savannah wore their costumes from last year because their costumes aren't ready for this year. Since I didn't know we were going ahead of time, I didn't have time to get Emma's costume. The staff went to a lot of work to have a spook alley and lots of cute games for the kids. They all dressed up and interacted with the kids. Afterwards there was hotdogs and sloppy joes along with yummy cookies and and homemade rootbeer. IT was really nice of them to go to all of that hard work. Bryant and his two boys were there. Henry made friends with Savannah and the 4 of them went back several times to play more games and to gather extra candy. By the time we left both girls had full bags of candy. It was another great night with the grandkids!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Conference Weekend

 Emma is sitting in the rocking chair that used to belong to my Grandma Larsen. She gave it to me to refinish when I was pregnant with Tyler almost 30 years ago. My grandma was born in 1907 so you know the chair is just a few years old. It is so special to me to have it in my home and to see my grandkids enjoy it.
 We took the two littlest ones for a walk during the second session on Sunday so that their parents could enjoy some quiet during the session. Wayne and I were able to record it so we watched it after the kids left. Walking around the streets in Mantua during conference was like walking around a ghost town, it was so quiet! It was an awesome time to spend together chatting and watching these two little ones.
 After conference we took advantage of the beautiful weather and the last of the autumn time flowers and snapped a few pictures of my girls. I can hardly believe how grown up my little Sydney kidney has gotten! She has lost that little girl look and is looking more and more like a young lady every day. She is so beautiful both inside and out. You can see the sparkle in her daddy's eye when he interacts with her. I think he realizes what we've been warning him about - how quickly the time goes by!
My little Savannah banana! She too is growing like a weed. We had a great weeked with Savannah her Aunt Joce made conference a little more enjoyable even for her with some fun coloring activities. This little one is loaded with personality and she can be a little pistol sometimes. Other times she's the most loving little girl you'll ever chance to meet. Today she met my parents with a big hug and a kiss and specifically ask my mom how she was feeling and if her hip was all better. "Are you able to go for walks again grandma because I know how much you like to go for walks?"

My conference weekend consisted of having all 3 of my kids come up to the house and enjoy conference with us. Zachary got to order the lunch menu so we had Chicken Parmesan and it was good I guess or so I am told. My parents came up to join us and that was nice. They don't get out too often and it's always nice to have them come and be with the family. They enjoy being around the great-grandkids so much and it really makes my mom smile. What was especially funny on this particular day was Nash. He kept reaching out for my dad as they were leaving and wanting my dad to hold him. Once he was in the car, Nash wanted in the car with them so I let him in for a minute. He gave my dad a big kiss and when I went to take him away from my dad so they could leave, he started to cry. I think that put a little grin on my parents face - not to see Nash cry but to know that they are still wanted and needed, especially by the little ones. It made for a nice ending to a nice weekend. I couldn't really ask for anything more.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Girls Night!

I've mentioned before how lucky I am to work with such great people and these couple of ladies are 2 of those said great people. Mattie is Susan's daughter and has become our second daughter. We are grateful she will have us and even more grateful that she thinks we're cool enough to hang out wth on a Friday night. Whatever the reason we were all blessed to have a great Friday night togther making various different pasta dishes and eating them. Dr. Keyser shared some of his great Italian recipes with us so we put them to use by making about 5 of them tonight. I just wanted to make a few comments about these two great ladies. It is such a blessing to work with such awesome ladies. Both of these ladies live their lives in accordance with gospel principles. They have such a kind heart and it is impossible to have bad day with these two around. Mary is going to retire in Janurary and that will leave Susan and I in the office. It's hard to imagine what it will be like when it's no longer "the three of us". Somethings can change but our friendship will not. Thanks ladies! Our dinner was awesome and your company even better.
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