Saturday, December 24, 2011

December 24, 2011

Just a quick note about today. We've been busy trying to get all of our last minute wrapping and making and what not completed in time for a quiet evening. Last night was our family Christams party and I think it was successful. It's always good to have everyone together where we focus on the family and the meaning of Christmas and less on what the world would have us focus on. The little ones are always a hit. They bring such joy with their cute little smiles and happy little faces. Both sets of parents were able to join us and that ws also a pretty big deal.

Dinner consisted of Prime Rib, Funeral potatoes, brocolli, rolls and a yummy dessert. It was a very good dinner followed by some festive themed minute to win it games and the granparents exchangeing gifts. .

This picture of the christmas tree has my favorite little rocker sitting in front of the Christmas tree. Dad says his  his grandma owned it. I knew that because she gave it to me when I was pregnant with Tyler. Wayne and I refinished it and we've had it ever since.

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

A Few Special Christmas Memories

The Touch of the Master's Hand
A gift from a very dear friend Margo Miles

"They Called His Name Jesus" by Dan Freed
Dan's father "Brother Freed" lives in my ward. He is such a kind man. One
day while I was visiting him and he was telling me about his family ,
he showed me some of his son's art. He ask me if I would like a print. I was
so excited that I promptly had it matted and framed. I took it back to Bro. Freed to show
him how beautiful it looked. I later gave Dan Freed's work to each of my three children at
Christmas. I think they enjoy theirs as much as we do.
Christmas Socks were bought on our trip to Finland

This wooden sleigh was made by dad about 10 years ago - before
this nasty Inclusion Body Myositis (IBM) Disease has taken
away his ability to do the many talents he loved so much.

My Nativity. The creche' was made by Wayne for me. I've had other
nativity sets before but I really love this one. I could leave
this out all year long. It brings me peace as I enter the room.

My Christmas cactus. This is more of a fun story and will leave a fun
memory for me this year. The plant is from my friends in my office at Logan Regional.
I had surgery 3 weeks ago and this along with an inside joke
makes a lasting Christmas memory. Thanks everyone!

There are actually 6 things in this picture. 1st there is a poinsettia. Wayne and I celebrated out 30th wedding anniversary on December 11th. For as long as I can remember we have skipped roses or other flowers to decorate the house with beautiful poinsettia's for our anniversary.  Front and center is Santa. My dad and I cut these out and I painted these one year. I painted one for him and my mom and one for me. He promptly made a nice stand for his so he could display it and it wouldn't tip over. That was probably 15 or more years ago. Wayne made me a stand for mine this year so it no longer needs to lean against the fireplace or in a corner. Santa is standing next to my grandma Larsen's rocking chair from when she was a little girl. Grandma gave me the rocker when I was pregnant with Tyler and we refinished it and it's special to see my grandkids sit and rock in it. The curio cabinet is number 4 and it was made by my dad about 20 years ago. I always display beautiful Christmas keepsakes in it.#5 is the wooden Santa on the left shelf. It was hand carved in Russia and we bought it while visiting there in 2008.