Saturday, July 24, 2010

Stop and Enjoy What You Have!

Normally I have a tendency to look at things with the eye of need or wish, "I wish I had" or "we really need" but today as I look outside I look with an eye of appreciation. I had an interesting visit with a good friend yesterday that has caused me to reflect once again on how quickly time passes and on what really matters. She and I work together so we spend many hours comparing our to-do lists prior to our weekend departures. Then on Monday we all compare how much we either did or didn't accomplish, most of which consists of the didn't although our list of did's would put many to shame. Most of us can accomplish an amazing amount in just two short days. Anyhow back to appreciation and my visit with my friend Mary and her husband Don. I watched as she came up the driveway (because my dog was going nuts at the approaching visitors). Mary stopped to admire my hanging flower baskets and flowers in the beds near the porch. Once inside the house the compliments of what a clean house or "how do you get so much done" comments started. I had to laugh as I knew inside that if she bumped into anything the dust balls would start to fly and heaven forbid she touch the furniture. She could write her name on most of the pieces in the dust. Today was my day to work on de-cluttering the upstairs and I had not "cleaned" anything today. I had to tell her and we just laughed. Funny what we notice in our own home that we must over look in others. Certainly she had to be able to see the stack of unread mail on the end of my kitchen bar and the numerous other pieces out of place!
Mary is my inspiration for making the best of every day. She is a cancer survivor going on 5 years. She knows the value of life and feels that she has been given a gift! It's because of Mary that I have this picture and many other pictures I've taken lately. I've learned a new appreciation for many of the simple things that I have taken for granted. I wanted to capture the view from my front window today. As I sat down this morning to feel the cool Mantua breeze coming through the window, I could hear the wind chimes, a favorite of mine and I could see the American flag in my yard that the Boy Scouts had placed this morning. It just reminded me once again to appreciate what I have and to put away my thoughts of how I might make it better because it's pretty darn good. I just need to be reminded now and again to stop and enjoy what I have.
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Kay said...

I totally agree with you. We need to take time to "Smell the Roses". I love reflecting on the beauty in my life.