Saturday, April 14, 2012

April 2012

I was trying to recapture a cool picture Brandon's sister in law took of him tossing Emma. By the time Tyler had tossed Savannah 5 times or so and then tossed Nash several times (for just the right shot). Cute little Sydnee ask her dad if he could toss her. Tyler waa a good sport and at least gave it a good try. Sad day in a little girls life when she's too old or too big for her daddy to carry her or throw her around.

Sun was setting in Manuta as we headed out on our walk on Easter evening. That's ok because we still had a blast playing on the toys and chatting with the cows.

April has brought so much change into my life. Some good, but unfortunately some sad. The sad change has been indirect change to me but it has not been so fortunate for some good friends of mine. It's always easier to write about the happier things in life even though we probably learn more from the struggles. I may write a little about both at some point but for now I'm going to post some pictures from the happier times.
Emma loved the slide and so did the other little girls. They were good to take turns on all of the toys.

 Mom's have play dates all the time with their kids so why not grandmas? That's what we thought and it turned out pretty well for a first meeting for the 3 girls. I should have taken Nash out with me too, next time! It kept us busy helping the kids on and off the tramp, up the slide and on and off the swing. We had a nice time and I'm pretty sure the girls had a blast too!
TyAnne, Emma and Emily  3 of the most adorable little girls. They were so cute to each other. And even tired they did well to share. Given another few months and they'll be able to play independently for hours, no problem. They were so cute together!!