Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Like Minds Think Alike! Too Alike!

These 4 Sonic Route 44's have a very funny story. It started while I was talking to Wayne on his way home from work. I told him how thirsty I was and how I was craving a lime ricky. Not much else was said and Wayne was still in Bountiful so at least an hour away. I had errands to run and I left home to run to Brigham to go get gas in my car, go to Walmart, the dollar store and then back home. Wayne got home about 6:00 with 2 Route 44 lime Ricky's. Thinking he had done a great thing and was going to surprise me and make me so happy. I wasn't home and I didn't get home from my errands until about 7:00 and when I did, guess what I came home with? Yup! And thus we have 4, count them, 4 Route 44 lime ricky's. More calories in one than either of us need and we each have 2 now. I'm pretty sure that 44 is for 44 ounces. So 88 ounces of soda for each of us. $10 spent and some of the best laughs we've had in a long, long time!! You know they say when you're married long enough you start to finish each other sentences... Sometimes Wayne and I almost amaze ourselves at what we are capable of. This takes the cake today don't you think!?!