Sunday, August 31, 2008

Back to School Shopping with Grandma Shel

Today was a special day for Sydnee and me. We went on our annual grandma school clothes shopping spree. We started early this morning. First we went to Costco - I know sounds weird but they really have some cute stuff for good prices. Then we went to TJMax, Ross, and the mall. We had lunch at the Olive Garden. Sydnee wanted "pizza" and that was the closest place I could think of that had pizza. She had a cheese pizza and breadsticks with raspberry lemonade. After lunch we shopped some more until we could find some shoes we liked. We finally ended up at Famous Footwear. We got her a pair of Nike tennis shoes and a pair of brown leather "Roxy" flats. They are really cute. They were having a sale so I got them buy one, get one 1/2 off and then I had a $5 coupon. We did pretty well. I couldn't resist a cute Dora outfit for Savannah, it was 6 bucks for a pair of levis, a tank and a cute little yellow jacket like with Dora on it. I also got a bunch of brand new clothes for Syd online today, they should arrive sometime next week.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Crab fest at Grandpa's house!

Our cute little Sydnee is always shopping for a sale on crab so that grandpa Wayne will go and buy her some crab! She can easily eat a whole pound all by herself. Tonight we invited Ty and Karie with Savannah as well. Wayne made sushi rolls with Ty and Karie and we all enjoyed dinner. Savannah loved the crab but was not too fond of the sushi rolls. I don't think Syd even tried them since she was so busy with her plate of crab! Savannah is licking butter off of the butter knife. They are both so cute! We just love 'em to death!!!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Our Cruise to the Baltics.

My parents enjoying their first cruise. No lack of food on this trip!
Copenhagen Denmark

Stockholm Sweden

Rostock - Germany

Saint Petersburg, Russia on my birthday!!

Second fromal night on the cruise.

Helsinki Finland

Tallinn Estonia welcomes you!